Friday, December 24, 2010

Kangacow Now?

Did you hear? The cow is under criticism for global warming because of the methane produced by the dung and digestion. So the fools in Australia are trying to improve on God's creation and make the cow more like the kangaroo. Oh my God! From the Taipei Times: 

Both animals are herbivores and both eat grass that is fermented before entering their main stomachs. But while cattle belch enormous amounts of methane to digest food, kangaroos release virtually none — they burp only harmless acids that can be turned into vinegar.
Athol Klieve, a (so-called) expert on bovine stomachs, has fiddled around with the ruminants’ diet to make them less gassy. He is leading a team of microbiologists and genetic researchers to make cattle guts behave like kangaroos’.
“Feed additives can lead to incremental decreases in methane,” Klieve said, standing inside a nearly complete high-tech chamber where cattle will be brought in to have their methane burps measured precisely.
“But we’re trying to do other things that might give us a quantum leap, and that’s why we’re looking at kangaroos,” he said.
At any given point, after munching and regurgitating grass, tens of millions of Australian cattle, as well as sheep, are belching methane gases nonstop. With methane considered 21 times more potent than carbon dioxide at warming the atmosphere, the burping has given ammunition to environmentalists, vegetarians and other critics of beef while initially putting the meat industry on the defensive.
Now the industry is fighting back. Along with the government, it is financing a US$24 million campaign to reduce burping. Researchers are looking at measures like adjusting diet, managing manure, recalibrating stomach organisms and selectively breeding animals that burp less.
Tragically modern people have not heard of, or perhaps don't believe that this world is already perfect and complete. Om purnam ada purnam idam. It was created that way by the Supreme Intelligence, Sri Krishna. There is nothing else needed in this world and nothing that can be taken away without upsetting the balance. What kind of horrible creature will they create? 
Even more unfortunately this is all being done following a ruse: global warming is simply a myth. A lot of hype created for ulterior purposes. We pray to God that these clowns will have no success with their research.
Jurassic Park here we come! Google "kangaroo cow" and you will find too many hits :-(
The Taipei Times article can be found here. And an Examiner article is here.

When I tried to add the following comment to The Examiner article it triggered the spam filter and was not accepted! What don't they want to hear? That global warming is a scam or that not eating meat will help the environment?

"The cow is NOT a problem. Global Warming is a ruse to increase control by the powers-that-be, and to make more money for Al Gore and his friends. A kangaroo cow is the work of atheists who can't imagine that God created a wonderful world that does not need improvements. Fiddling with nature is simply going to destroy the good qualities of the cow and the wonderful milk that she produces. 

"For those that really want to reduce methane simply stop eating the cow. That is the SINGLE most valuable thing that you can do to help the environment due to the huge environmental costs of meat production."

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