Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Kana and Balai Make the Bigtime!

Bhakta Petras and his two bullocks, Kana and Balai were featured on the evening news last week throughout Lithuania. Petras is becoming somewhat famous as the man who works with bulls, a very rare breed (of man) these days, but a very important man to show the way to the future when we run out of oil. 

Many people have heard of Peak Oil—the time when half of the petroleum reserves on the planet are consumed and the production begins to diminish. M. King Hubbert created the model of peak oil in 1956 to accurately predict that United States’ oil production would peak between 1965 and 1970.

The concept of Peak Oil has generated a great deal of controversy—some like Michael Rupert claim that is very real, and something that we must get ready for and NOW! Others say it is a hoax by the major oil companies to blame price increases on. So real in fact that the United States is going to make sure they have enough to fuel their lifestyle by doing risky deep-drilling in the Gulf of Mexico despite the threats to the environment, and by conquering the oil reserves of the planet (that sure helps to explain their policies in the Middle East). 

Other people, tell us to get prepared. Like Sahadeva Dasa who has written a great book on the subject “Oil: Final Countdown to a Global Crisis, and It’s Solutions.” It’s a free read online here.

And peak oil has generated an entire movement of 'preppers' called the Transition Towns movement, who have taken the reasonable approach to begin to prepare for a future without oil before its all gone! (Duh! More intelligent than the govmint it seems). Let's hope that we really do have another twenty years to get all of our ducks in a row. Interestingly, I have heard (but not confirmed) that some of the Transition people had intensely analyzed the situation and have come to the conclusion that it is impossible to maintain life in the cities without oil, and that they only way to survive is to begin rebuilding villages! (told ya so! :-p) That’s awareness should be spread, but it seems that they have other crazy ideas like Agenda 21!
If we are not going to have oil what will be the source for power? .....Yes, bullocks! But if you are planning to get prepared, keep in mind that you need a bit of time to get your oxen trained before they can do real work—like 4 years! In this video you will see the boys at two years of age. Big, but not full-grown nor ready to do a full days work in the field. That will take another two years. (see our earlier videos of them at several months beginning their training). That means that, unlike most things in modern life, you can’t accomplish this overnight. I recommend that you start yesterday, or as close to that as possible.

We will be spending the summer months at Ignalinus at Petras’ house in a writing retreat. It is our goal to finish two small books “Change the Karma!” and “No Solution Without a Spiritual Revolution!” both about how to deal with our changing world and it’s ongoing crises. More soon...

Here's the original source.

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