Tuesday, May 15, 2012

GM Eggplant Banned in the Phillipines

On May 11, 2012, the Philippine Supreme Court announced a decision against genetically engineered Bt eggplant. This followed a 2010 ban on Bt eggplant in India.

According to supporters of the ban, who helped bring the case to court:

"The Supreme Court decision on Friday sets an important precedent in that it establishes that GE, and in particular GE Bt eggplant, violates the constitutional rights of individuals to a healthy environment. No other court in the world has upheld such a stance against genetically engineered organisms (GEOs)."

This is very good news. Let's encourage all other countries to follow suit. 

Everyone should educate themselves about the potential dangers of GMO especially when the government gives the green light without considering the possible consequences. Almost all corn is now genetically modified which is a potential disaster because food scientists have learned how to break down corn into constituent parts and use it in almost everything, either as a sweetener or starch, or hundreds of others chemical compounds. It is also a fact that some 75% of all foods in American stores have genetically modified material in them, but by law they don't have to tell you, so they don't. Beware! 

There are good people to help you make the right choices. You can download the NEW True Food Shopper’s Guide to avoid GE foods, or get the True Food Shoppers Guide mobile application for iPhone. Find out more here and at www.seedsofdeception.com.One of my other favorite sources for what's going on with genetic engineering of food is www.farmWars.info.

One of the most authoritative persons working to protect people and the world from the GMO onslaught is Jeff Smith. Below is a short video in which he explains some important details about GMO. Jeff has many good videos on YouTube and I encourage you to view them.

Now that it's planting time in many parts of the north, I am encouraging everyone to plant in plastic tubes to avoid not only GM pollen, but also aluminum from chemtrails, which is showing up as a serious problem in some areas of the country. More on that later.

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